Swim/Cookout/Game Night #3

High School Students: Join is this Wednesday, July 18th from 6:30-8:30p at Jeff and Becky across house (in Farley), located at 6920 W. 12th Street Indianapolis, 46214 for our third Swim/Cookout/Game night of the summer. There’s no need to bring anything. We’ll have plenty of food and games.

Summer Bible Study: Love Does


Coming up this Sunday, one of our senior high school students, Emma Scott, will begin leading a small group study of the book Love Does by Bob Goff. On Sundays starting at 6:00 p.m., the study will be held at Emma’s house. The address is 7603 Lindsay Dr., Indianapolis IN. This is for all high school students, so invite some friends and come on over! If you have questions, Emma can be reached at emma.s.y2k@gmail.com.

Swim/Cookout/Campfire/Game Night #2

High School Students: Join us this Wednesday, June 20th from 6:30-8:30p, at Scott & Vicki Crawford’s home here on the westside for our second Swim/Campfire/Cookout/Game Night of the Summer. The address is: 2152 Tansel Road Indianapolis, IN 46234. There’s no need to bring anything (unless you want Scott to grill you a steak). We’ll have plenty of food and games.

Swim/Campfire/Cookout/Game Night

High School Students: Join us this Wednesday, June 13th from 6:30-8:30p, at Roger & Mindy Turpen’s home in Brownsburg for our first Swim/Campfire/Cookout/Game Night of the Summer. If you have your own transportation you can show up there at 6:30p. If you need a ride we’ll meet at Chapel Rock at door 1 at 6p and return at 9p on the bus. The address is: 7342 Windridge Way, Brownsburg, IN. No need to bring anything, we’ll have food and games.

Summer 2018


Summer is officially here! As we transition into this short time (a little under 8 weeks) that students are out of school, we’ve got some exciting times on the horizon. The complete list (so far) is below. Also, if you look under the “Events & Calendar” tab of this site, you can subscribe to the Google calendar so that anything we add/update is always on your device.

This weekend is promition Sunday, meaning that the incoming Freshman class of 2022 will be with us for the second time (the first time being our preview Sunday back in April) at the Vine at 9:15a in ED01. This weekend we’re also starting a new 4 week series at The Vine called KNOWN. It’s a series on our Identity in Christ, as we take some time with the students while they’re off of school to process and dig into who scripture says that God has made each of us to be in Jesus. We’re looking forward to a fruitful summer of growth and challenge in all that’s ahead!


Summer Calendar:
June 3 Promotion Sunday (No Discussion Groups @ The Vine till August 5th)
June 13 Swimming/Cookout/Fire Night @ Turpen’s Home from 6:30-8:30p
June 20 Swimming/Cookout/Fire Night @ Crawford’s Home from 6:30-8:30p
June 25-30 CIY Move
July 7-14 Honduras Mission Trip
July 18 Swimming/Cookout/Fire Night @ Crow’s Home from 6:30-8:30p
July 29 Kickoff Lunch for Parents/Students after 2nd Service
August 5 Small Groups/Discussion Groups Begin

Rooted Serve Experience (9-10th Grades)


This Sunday marks a special Serve Experience that coincides with our week studying serving in our rooted groups. The 9th-10th grade students are helping with a special project that will take place at Wheeler Mission. In partnership with Kingdom Way Central, we’ll be spending the evening connecting with folks experiencing homelessness in our city. The evening will consist of a concert and care package distribution (made up of donated items that we’ve been collecting and will be providing).

The Details (for 9th & 10th grade students).

4:00P Meet at Chapel Rock for Pizza and Care Package Assembly

5:30p Depart for Wheeler

6-7:30p Serve with Kingdom Way Ministries at Wheeler

8p Arrive back at Chapel Rock.

*11th-12th grade students will be gathering at their regular time and place: 6-7:30p at the Campbell’s Home at 5375 Maplewood Drive in Speedway.

Youth Mission Living Timeline Project


By celebrating God’s faithfulness in the past, we continue to trust and look forward to what He’s doing in the future. That’s especially true in the realm of opportunities we’ve had to see God’s Kingdom expanding through short-term mission projects right here in our city and around the world.

We’re asking for help from students and leaders as we put together a living timeline of experience and testimony from short-term mission projects that have happened anytime in Chapel Rock’s almost 54 year history. What we need is for you to simply record yourself on a short clip in the following 3-4 sentence format:

Sample: [Introduce yourself and tell us about a trip that was most impactful to you; Name, Trip, Year]

i.e. “My name is Nick Wilkes and I was a part of the Los Angeles trip in 2005 with CMF Missionaries Fernando and Nona Soto.”

[Next, please share ONE or TWO sentences of what impacted you the most]

“What impacted me the most was the kingdom life and community I experienced in the Hispanic church in Los Angeles.”

[Finally, share ONE or TWO sentences about what’s different because of your experience of having been on a short-term mission trip.]

“I’ve never looked at cross-cultural missions the same, especially opportunities to connect with brothers and sisters from another culture in our own country. My perspective has grown greatly in the way that I see the global church because of what God taught me in LA through this trip.”

Instructions for Submission:  Please submit your video clip via email to Nick at nwilkes@chapelrock.org by Tuesday February 13, 2018. We will be using these clips as part of a video montage in the main worship service at Chapel Rock on February 25th.

Video Hints and Tips: If you have a trip t-shirt from your trip, please wear it in your video. (We’re also looking for shirts to display on Feb 18, and 25th). Be creative. Feel free to share something funny, memorable, impactful, or challenging.  Note that good lighting and sound that’s free of background noise will be most helpful for editing and clarity/usability purposes. Thanks so much in advance for your help, and for all you’ve done and continue to do for the sake of the Kingdom globally.

Rooted Prayer Experience

RootedWe’re currently entering week 5 of the our Rooted Experience for high school students, and we’re digging into the practice of prayer. This week will culminate with a Prayer Experience for high school students that will be held on Sunday afternoon February 4, after the morning worship services. We’re asking all high school students that normally participate in Sunday night Life Groups to stay after church for a meal and the Prayer Experience which will begin at 12:45p in Room ED01. We’ll eat together, and then break into our small groups to share in a time of prayer together. Including lunch, the entire experience will last till 2:30p. This will be our Life Group gathering for the day, and groups will not meet on Sunday night.

An invitation to Fasting: As part of this experience, students were challenged at our Life Group gatherings this past Sunday night (1/28/18) to think about something they might fast from leading into this next Sunday. Fasting in this sense means to simply abstain from something (food, drink, social media, electronics, phone, TV, Netflix, etc…) for a time to bring increased focus to your prayer life. Andrew Bonar once said,

“Fasting is abstaining from anything that hinders prayer.”

– Andrew Bonar

Hudson Taylor shared this observation in regard to fasting; “In Shansi I found Chinese Christians who were accustomed to spend time in fasting and prayer. They recognized that this fasting, which so many dislike, which requires faith in God, since it makes one feel weak and poorly, is really a Divinely appointed means of grace. Perhaps the greatest hindrance to our work is our own imagined strength; and in fasting we learn what poor, weak creatures we are-dependent on a meal of meat for the little strength which we are so apt to lean upon.”” 

– Hudson Taylor

Maybe you’ll choose to fast from food from dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday, breaking your fast at lunch with the group on Sunday…? Or maybe you normally can’t put your phone down, or you fill every empty minute by scrolling through your social media feeds, or thinking about what to post next…? Fasting for you might mean unplugging from that which hinders your prayers because it causes constant self-distraction. The goal in any case would be as you experience the pains of going without something for a time, that you would use your time to more intently focus on prayer and your dependence upon the Lord. We invite you to prayerfully and thoughtfully consider joining us in fasting to further focus our experience in prayer together this weekend. The schedule for the afternoon is as follows:

Sunday, February 4, 2018

12:45p Lunch in Room ED01

1:15-2:30p Prayer Experience

There will be no evening Life Group gatherings this weekend.

Las Brisas, Honduras Mission Trip 2018

Date conflicts for the previously scheduled 2018 Poland Mission trip have resulted in a reschedule of that trip to 2019 or 2020. While we’re a little disappointed that the plan had to switch, we are thankful that just as it became apparent that the door was closing on Poland for next summer, Chapel Rock was invited to be a part of a team with Disciple Makers in Honduras July 7-14, 2018.

Organization Leading the Trip: Disciple Makers

Person Coordinating the Trip from CRCC: Nick Wilkes & Rick Belcher

Objective of the Trip: Impact ’18 is a mission trip to Honduras which will focus on Disciple Makers’ newest work in Las Brisas, Honduras. Las Brisas is near the Chamelecon River and is on the Northern coast of Honduras. The hope is to have 50 – 75 total people on the team from different partnering churches of Disciple Makers. The goal is to make an impact for Christ by working alongside the local church in Las Brisas. We will focus on 4 main areas:

Medical – Working with the existing medical clinic that is part of the mission work and reaches out to the people in Las Brisas.

Educational – Working with the public school in the community.

Pioneer Evangelism – Going down the nearby river canals via canoes and boats and holding VBS type programs with the various pockets of people living along the river.

Construction – Helping with construction needs at the church in Puerto Cortes, Honduras

Approximate Cost of Trip: $1,500 per person (depending on airfare and team fundraising which will hopefully offset the cost for each individual).

Cost of trip does not include passports, shots/medications that may be required, souvenirs, and food while traveling to and from Honduras.

All payments will be made directly to Disciple Makers, Inc.

Registration: Deadline for application and $150 deposit is December 31st, 2017 (deposit can be paid later via mail, rather than online at the time of registration).

To register go to https://www.disciplemakers.org,  in the middle top of the page go to the “Applications” tab and then go to the “Impact ‘18” tab and complete the registration form.

Fundraising: Once your registration is completed Disciple Makers has a feature through their web-site to help you publicize your trip and raise funds through social media outlets.