“Captivated” Movie Screening in The VINE

“Everywhere we go, we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a Techno utopia or a virtual prison?” Producer and co-director, Phillip Telfer, asks this and other pertinent questions in the documentary “Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture”.

Everyone would agree that we live in a media-saturated society, but how many consider the possibility that they have become captives? People of all ages are being held hostage by television, video games, social networks, movies, texting, tweeting, and more. They have become infatuated with the things of the world and distracted from God, from eternity, and from deeper relationships with each other.

We will be viewing Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture Sunday at 9:15 during The VINE in the Family Life Center.  This viewing is for everyone so families can attend together.  Remember, we will be showing this film in the Family Life Center, you can enter through door 6 for easy access.